Overbites: Protect Your Kids Smile!

Lady flossing her braces

Wires, rubber bands, brackets, oh my! Braces are a solution for quite a few oral issues including overcrowded teeth, overbites, crooked teeth, and “bad bites” just to name a few. In particular, the overbite is the second most common reason for braces.* According to the medical dictionary, an overbite is a condition in which the top teeth or incisors overlap the bottom teeth too much when the jaw completely is closed. The issue is quite common and can be remedied with braces and proper care. Although, secondary issues can appear if the issue is ignored.

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1472 Hits

Time to Give Thanks!

2 kids holding a handful of orange leafs

Here at Spirit Dental Insurance, we have so many wonderful things to be thankful for. From wonderful plan holders to employees and the families and friends that surround us, we are extremely grateful. We’re more than just a company of people who come to work from 9-5 and look forward to the weekends. We have an internal culture like none other. To help express that when you work with Spirit, you work with real people, we took a trip around the office to capture what everyone was thankful for! Hopefully, this will spark an interest, and you’ll want to share all the positives in your life with the people you care about.

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10 Facts About Baby Teeth

Baby smiling with his two teeth showing

Baby teeth: they serve a much more important role than you think. Sure, they’ll all fall out or have to be pulled out at one point, but there is a need. Baby teeth start growing before birth and serve a huge role in our lives as we get older. Regardless of age, baby or adult, teeth help us chew and talk. Those little chompers can have quite an impact, so we’ve provided you with a list of ten facts, stats, and tips that might even amaze mothers with grown children!

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1586 Hits

Fun Halloween Treats For Your Kids

Halloween kids treats. Apple slices with marshmellow teeth and eye for a spooky treat.

Costumes, treats, decorations ... celebrating the different seasons and holidays with family and friends can come with so much enjoyment! To get in the Halloween spirit, we’ve decided to put together a list of three treats that can be fun to make with your kid(s). These treats might be on the healthier side, but they’re cute, taste great, and well, they don’t come with as much cavity potential.

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1043 Hits

What You Should Do When You Break A Tooth

Surprised little boy holding his mouth

Before we jump right in, we hope that you are not currently dealing with a broken tooth. Hopefully, you’re reading this to help prepare yourself in case the situation ever arises.

Broken, chipped, cracked, or fully removed - all not-so-great situations, but they can get much worse if not taken care of properly.

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Why You Should Floss

Lady flossing her teeth

Did you know that flossing does about 40% of the work to remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth?*

Every time you visit the dentist's office, one of the first questions you’re asked is, “how often do you floss?” Either you're someone who flosses all the time and has an honest answer, or you're someone who responds with the generic, “at least a few times a week,” when in actuality you don’t really know how often you floss. If that’s you, it’s ok to admit; no one will shame you for it. Whether you do floss regularly or not, take note: flossing is an essential part of your routine although it might not provide instant gratification.

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Start The School Year With A Smile: Dental Tips For Kids

Seven young school children talking with each other, boys and girls, each holding books and an apple

Kids are back in school, and the initial first-week jitters have subsided. At first, there is so much excitement and buzz that getting the routine back in motion can be a challenge. Whether your plans include an early morning wake-up to make sure your kid’s lunch is packed, or you're a family that prefers a little extra sleep and does the packing the night before, either way, the first few weeks can be tough. After all, research shows that it takes on average 21 days to create a habit.

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1124 Hits

Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces?

Boy with slightly crooked teeth with his slightly older sister that has braces

The answer is, yes!

We’re going to start with the facts: yes, there are dental insurance plans that help cover costs for children’s orthodontics, but to what extent depends on the insurance. Currently, the out-of-pocket cost of braces ranges from $3,000-$7,000 based on the type of treatment, the duration of treatment, the orthodontist, location, your dental insurance, and any other restorative work that may need to be completed before or throughout treatment.* The high cost for orthodontic services only helps aid in the argument as to why having insurance can make a huge impact.

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How To Afford Dental Implants

Close up of a dentist holding a dental implant

When hearing the words, “you need implants,” the dollar signs and panic can start to consume your thoughts. Your brain starts automatically rattling off things like, “how am I going to be able to afford this?” “How time-consuming will this be?” “Is it necessary?” After all, your dentist has recommended the procedure, so here we are. The next step to take is figuring out costs and how to make it all work.

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How To Maintain A Healthy Smile Through Life

Daughter hanging on her fathers shoulder

A smile is one of the first things people notice about a person. If you help take care of your teeth and gums, they will help take care of you. Here are a few things you can do to keep your mouth in tip-top shape!

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1094 Hits

5 Disturbing Facts About Your Toothbrush

The real and nasty truth about the tiny bristled item that lives in your bathroom.

Lady opening her mouth wide to show her teeth

What’s Inside Your Mouth?

Bacteria. Lots of it. At any given time, there could be up to 200 species of oral bacteria living in your mouth. In an article by the Huffington Post, Ann Wei, DDS, a prosthodontist based in San Francisco states, "In an unbrushed mouth, there can be as many germs as a dirty bathroom floor." * As dirty as the bathroom floor? If knowing that makes you nauseous, just wait till this fact pops in your head as you lean in for your next kiss. Yikes!

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1575 Hits

Should I Have Dental Insurance As A Senior?

Senior man with granddaughter, laughing with teeth showing

Keeping up with oral care as you age is pretty darn important! The scary thing about aging is that you don’t know what lies ahead. The same is true at any age, but the older we get, the more susceptible we are to disease and the decaying of teeth and gums.

It may not come as a surprise, but dry mouth is a side-effect to over 500 medications.* Anxiety, asthma, and depression are among the many diagnoses which have medications that may have an effect that could potentially lead to cavities. We know yet another thing to worry about. We believe knowing what may or may not lie ahead helps you plan for those unexpected moments.

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4 Habits Seniors Should Embrace For Good Oral Care

Senior man and woman with great teeth at kitchen counter smiling and gazing at each other fondly

How long do you think it takes to form a habit? Well, on average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. Whether these tasks are already a frequent occurrence, or you need to start putting an emphasis on change, they’ll help your smile and health stand the test of time.

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Dental Implants: The Facts

Middle aged man and woman smiling with very nice teeth

Whether you’ve lost a few teeth or have a medical diagnosis that requires you to consider implants, the thought can be quite overwhelming. For that reason, we’ve outlined some of the need-to-know facts to help give you a little more information about what may lie ahead.

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1820 Hits

How to Care for Your Teeth

A young girl sitting behind a young boy, smiling as she holds his cheeks in a smiling position.  Both have very white teeth.

This article is taking it back to the basics. Keeping a consistent oral routine can help prevent future complications and will contribute to maintaining your overall health. You read that correctly; your overall health is connected to your oral care - which confirms why the below is so important.

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1027 Hits

Dental Insurance Helps Seniors Save Money

Senior couple walking along the beach

Taking care of yourself and your body is a top priority as you age. Staying healthy can help you stay younger longer, but it is important to stay knowledgeable about potential happenings so you can safeguard yourself against future problems.

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1001 Hits

Make Your Mom Smile This Mother’s Day

Mother holding her baby

The countdown to Mother’s Day is on. How are you celebrating your mother this year? Check out a few of our ideas on how to make your mom smile this Mother’s Day.

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1274 Hits

The Worst Foods for White Teeth

the worst foods for your teethSpring cleaning is not just for clearing out your home it’s a time to spruce up many areas of your life. This spring, don’t forget to clean up your smile! To do this, there are certain beverages and foods to avoid when eating and drinking. Read up on some of these stain-causing foods and drinks to keep your smile white and healthy!

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1139 Hits

Which Mouth Guard is Right for You?

Which mouth guard is right for you Most people think of mouthguards as something you wear if you play football or hockey, but the use of mouthguards can be beneficial to tons of different sports. It’s true that the number of facial injuries in both football and hockey are quite low due to the requirement of mouthguards in these sports. Sports like baseball, basketball, and gymnastics, however, have higher facial injuries because mouthguards are not required.

With a range of different mouthguards on the market, it may be difficult to determine which is the best for you.  However, there are three main types of mouthguards, readymade, boilandbite, and custom fit.

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1696 Hits

Professional Dental Implant Coverage

Have missing teeth and feel dental implants are a must? Many dental patients are in this type of situation without having the funds in hand to move forward. Making the right decision is not always the easiest choice, but it does not have to be an arduous task. This is where high quality dental implant coverage comes into action. Let's take a look at what patients receive upon signing up with a high quality dental implant coverage plan. A customized solution in accordance with your dental needs is a must in this day and age. 

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1110 Hits