Dental Articles for Individuals

Dental Articles for Individuals

Teeth Whitening Strips OR Professional Whitening

Woman using teeth whitening strips

Everyone loves a big, bright, white smile. And everyone can have a brilliant smile, thanks to the many whitening products and treatments that are on the market today. But what’s better: your typical over-the-counter whitening strips, or the professional whitening treatment that your dentist offers? We break down the pros and cons of each of these popular options below so that you can make the right choice for your teeth.

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738 Hits

Millennials and Dental Care - Why They Need It and First Steps

A millenial couple taking a picture together

Millennials are now the largest generation, so you’d think that there would be a lot of dental patients to take care of. But experts are finding that the opposite is true.

Are you a millennial who has been putting off seeing your dentist? Well, you certainly aren’t alone.

Keep reading to learn more about millennials and dental care, including why they need it and how they can take the first steps towards a cleaner, healthier, and more beautiful smile.

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882 Hits

Gum Facts - The Sticky Truth

Close up of lady putting a piece of gum in her mouth

Do you like to chew gum just about every day? Before you grab that next piece, keep reading for a few sticky truths about chewing gum and whether or not it is actually a good thing for your pearly whites.

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1422 Hits

Dental Implants: Do or Don't?

3 dental implants on table

When confronted with the option of getting a dental implant, you might wonder if it’s worth going through with this procedure. After all, getting an implant will take time, and it could be expensive if you don’t have the right insurance plan in place.

To help you make the right choice, we’ve compiled some information on the benefits, as well as the risks, that are associated with dental implants.

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4628 Hits

What to Know Before Your First Root Canal

Lady in dentist chair getting a root canal

So your dentist has uttered that terrible phrase that you never want to hear: “You need a root canal.” And if this is your first root canal ever, you probably have a ton of questions running through your mind, combined with a lot of fear regarding the pain that you might have to endure. Well, we’re here to put your mind at ease.

Below are a few of the things that you should know prior to getting your first root canal. Hopefully, this information will help you prepare for this common dental procedure so it won’t be so scary after all.

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2980 Hits

Fighting Bad Breath: The Ins and Outs

Lady covering her mouth with her hand

Few things are more embarrassing than having bad breath. But combating those offensive odors in your mouth can be more of a challenge than you first anticipate. So how can you be sure your breath will always smell fresh and clean, and won’t cause people to take a step back when they’re talking to you? Check out the easy bad breath fighting tips below to get started.

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1567 Hits

Spring Into Action: Dental Care 101

Father and daughter brushing teeth together

Oral hygiene doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple steps that can be taken on a daily basis can help you maintain fresh breath, while also reducing your odds of developing cavities and gum disease.

Want to be absolutely sure that you’re covering all of your bases when it comes to your dental care routine? We’ve outlined the basics below to make taking care of your mouth a breeze.

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615 Hits

What Toothpaste Should I Use?

Up-close photo of a lady putting toothpaste onto a toothbrush

Walk down the aisle of your local supermarket or drugstore and you’ll find an array of toothpaste options. Not only are there so many brands to choose from, but each brand also has several formulations to meet your dental health needs. There’s whitening toothpaste, fluoride and non-fluoride products, and toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums, as a few examples.

But which toothpaste should you be using? After all, having so many choices can make things even more confusing, so we’ve compiled some information below to help you make the right decision.

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918 Hits

When Is the Right Time to Replace Fillings?

Dentist looking at fillings in woman's mouth with a mirror.

After your dentist applies a filling to one of your teeth in order to restore its strength and preserve the tooth, you might think that the work is over. But the truth is that the filling won’t last indefinitely. Eventually, the fillings in your teeth will need to be replaced. The question that most patients ask is: when is the right time to replace dental fillings?

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5327 Hits

Mouthwash - Is It a Must?

Sink counter with toothbrush, towel, toothpaste, and mouthwash

Rinsing with some minty mouthwash can be a refreshing way to conclude your daily oral hygiene routine at home.

But is mouthwash really necessary? Is it doing anything to promote the health of your teeth and gums?

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1407 Hits

How Coffee Affects Your Dental Health

Cup of coffee on table

Ahh! Nothing beats a warm cup of coffee. It’s energizing and likely an integral part of your routine to get ready for the day. You might even reach for a second cup when you’re feeling that afternoon slump. But how is all of that coffee affecting your dental health, and what can you do to reduce its negative effects on your pearly whites?

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3650 Hits

Make Time To Use Your Dental Plan in the New Year

Lady in dentist chair talking about insurance options

The thing about dental insurance plans is that you have to actually use the benefits they provide within the year; otherwise, you’ll lose those benefits that you paid for every month. No one likes to see their money wasted, so this year, plan to make the most of your dental plan by setting aside time to see your dentist.

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1049 Hits

New Year – Time to Put an Emphasis On Your Health

New Year – Time to Put an Emphasis On Your Health

It’s a new year, which means it’s the perfect time to make resolutions that will help you enhance your well-being. By applying the following easy tips to your everyday life, you can put yourself on the right track towards boosting your vitality, as well as the health of your entire mouth.

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1003 Hits

Why You Should Floss

Lady flossing her teeth

Did you know that flossing does about 40% of the work to remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth?*

Every time you visit the dentist's office, one of the first questions you’re asked is, “how often do you floss?” Either you're someone who flosses all the time and has an honest answer, or you're someone who responds with the generic, “at least a few times a week,” when in actuality you don’t really know how often you floss. If that’s you, it’s ok to admit; no one will shame you for it. Whether you do floss regularly or not, take note: flossing is an essential part of your routine although it might not provide instant gratification.

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1038 Hits

How To Maintain A Healthy Smile Through Life

Daughter hanging on her fathers shoulder

A smile is one of the first things people notice about a person. If you help take care of your teeth and gums, they will help take care of you. Here are a few things you can do to keep your mouth in tip-top shape!

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1094 Hits

5 Disturbing Facts About Your Toothbrush

The real and nasty truth about the tiny bristled item that lives in your bathroom.

Lady opening her mouth wide to show her teeth

What’s Inside Your Mouth?

Bacteria. Lots of it. At any given time, there could be up to 200 species of oral bacteria living in your mouth. In an article by the Huffington Post, Ann Wei, DDS, a prosthodontist based in San Francisco states, "In an unbrushed mouth, there can be as many germs as a dirty bathroom floor." * As dirty as the bathroom floor? If knowing that makes you nauseous, just wait till this fact pops in your head as you lean in for your next kiss. Yikes!

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1575 Hits

4 Habits Seniors Should Embrace For Good Oral Care

Senior man and woman with great teeth at kitchen counter smiling and gazing at each other fondly

How long do you think it takes to form a habit? Well, on average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. Whether these tasks are already a frequent occurrence, or you need to start putting an emphasis on change, they’ll help your smile and health stand the test of time.

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1327 Hits

How to Care for Your Teeth

A young girl sitting behind a young boy, smiling as she holds his cheeks in a smiling position.  Both have very white teeth.

This article is taking it back to the basics. Keeping a consistent oral routine can help prevent future complications and will contribute to maintaining your overall health. You read that correctly; your overall health is connected to your oral care - which confirms why the below is so important.

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1027 Hits

New version of Spirit Dental indemnity plan introduced

The Spirit Indemnity Dental Insurance plan helps individuals and families cover the costs of dental care

Covered dental services include exams, cleanings, fillings and extractions, as well as crowns, root canals, bridges and dentures.

The policy pays for covered dental expenses based upon a percentage of the reasonable and customary (R&C) fees for those covered expenses after the deductible has been satisfied. 

The percentages are: 

  • 100% for Preventive Services, 70% for Basic and 10% for Major Services in the 1st year.
  • In the 2nd year of coverage, Basic Services increase to 80% and 50% for Major. 
  • In the 3rd year, Basic Services increase to 90%

Highlights of the plan include: 

  • The right to choose your own dentist.
  • Calendar Year Maximums - $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000 per insured
  • Two dental exams and three cleanings are included per calendar year
  • One series of bitewing x-rays per year
  • Space maintainers
  • Sealants (children to age 16)
  • One topical fluoride treatment per year to age 16

Major services include:

  • Simple extractions
  • Implants (endosteal only), up to the allowance for the lowest cost covered traditional procedure
  • One diagnostic x-ray, full or panoramic in any 3 year period
  • Oral surgery
  • Endodontic treatment
  • Periodontic services
  • Restoration services; inlays, onlays and crowns
  • Prosthetic services; bridges and dentures
  • Basic fillings
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