Dental Articles for Individuals

Dental Articles for Individuals

Gum Facts - The Sticky Truth

Close up of lady putting a piece of gum in her mouth

Do you like to chew gum just about every day? Before you grab that next piece, keep reading for a few sticky truths about chewing gum and whether or not it is actually a good thing for your pearly whites.

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1422 Hits

Just the Facts: TMJ Syndrome

Man in pain holding his jaw with tmj syndrome

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint disorder, which is also referred to as TMD (but what’s in a name, right?). This disorder affects the—you guessed it—temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge that connects the bones of the skull with the jaw. You can locate this joint in the front of each of your ears, as it allows you to move the jaw side to side, forward and backward, and up and down with ease when you open your mouth to speak and chew.

Below are a few of the main facts about TMJ syndrome so you can develop a better understanding of it.

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  1089 Hits
1089 Hits