When confronted with the option of getting a dental implant, you might wonder if it’s worth going through with this procedure. After all, getting an implant will take time, and it could be expensive if you don’t have the right insurance plan in place.
To help you make the right choice, we’ve compiled some information on the benefits, as well as the risks, that are associated with dental implants.
The biggest reason why you should get a dental implant: everything that could happen if you don’t get one.
Basically, after you lose a tooth, bone loss within the jaw where the tooth once was could develop in as little as one year. The longer you wait to get an implant, the more bone loss could occur, and you might even need to get a bone graft to replace the missing bone if you do decide to finally get an implant later on. So if you are missing a tooth, getting a dental implant sooner rather than later is recommended. Plus, if you thought a dental implant was bad, a bone graft is more expensive and more painful.
Failing to replace a tooth that’s missing could even cause the adjacent teeth to become damaged or move out of alignment. The more time that passes, the more you increase your risk of the teeth shifting so much that there may not be enough space for the implant. Or you might end up experiencing problems with your bite as the adjacent teeth shift, and you might develop temporomandibular joint pain, also known as TMD. What a difference one tooth can make! But it doesn’t even end there. You might also need to get orthodontics, such as braces, to realign your teeth. And who wants braces as an adult!?
Ultimately, the more you postpone getting a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, the greater the odds will be of additional problems and the need for costly, painful, and time-consuming procedures to fix those problems.
Still not sure whether or not a dental implant is the way to go for the health of your teeth and gums? Here are a few of the main benefits that an implant could provide:
As is the case with any other dental surgery, there are some risks involved with getting an implant, even though complications are rare. Also, if problems arise from a dental implant, they are typically easy to treat and minor in severity.
Some of the potential risks of getting a dental implant include:
Working with a dental professional who is experienced in placing implants will help reduce these risks.
Oral health professionals highly recommend dental implants for one or more missing teeth. And if you are concerned about the cost, you can rest assured that, with the right dental plan from Spirit, your implant will be covered.*
So if your dentist has suggested getting an implant, consider the benefits that this one procedure can provide for the long-term health of your smile.
*Missing teeth prior to coverage are not covered by Spirit plans.
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