Dental Articles for Seniors

Grinding Teeth Symptoms to Be Aware Of

grinding teeth symptoms 2019

The fancy name for teeth grinding and clenching is bruxism. When you’re feeling particularly stressed or frazzled, you might find yourself tightening your jaw and clenching your teeth, and this might not cause any damage at first. However, if you are one of the many people who grind regularly, such as in your sleep when you aren’t even aware that it’s happening, you might end up with scary problems like loose, worn, or fractured teeth, along with jaw problems like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJ).

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1059 Hits

Tips for Keeping Your Retainers Clean

clean retainers 2019

Retainers are great because they help you retain your beautiful new smile after you’ve used braces. However, they can get pretty funky from sitting in your mouth for extended periods of time, so keeping them clean is imperative.

What are some of the easiest ways to ensure your retainer will always be as clean as possible? We’ve compiled a list of tips below to help you get started, but if you have any questions about the very best methods for keeping these dental products bacteria-free, consulting with your dentist or orthodontist is recommended.

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943 Hits

Things to Keep in Mind Before Getting Veneers

veneers 2019

These days, there are a lot of dental products and procedures available to make your smile the best that it could possibly be. One popular example is dental veneers. Put simply, when you get veneers, porcelain in the color of your teeth is applied permanently to the front of your pearly whites, giving them a perfect appearance.

Want to instantly and easily whiten your teeth? Do you have enamel that’s been damaged over the years, or perhaps some cosmetic imperfections, and you want to restore the exterior of your teeth? Veneers might be the ideal solution that you’ve been hoping for!

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Connecting the Dots | Tooth Decay & Hearing Loss

tooth and hearing loss

You’ve learned about the connection between dental health and heart health, right? But have you read about the link between tooth decay and hearing loss? It’s true; taking care of your chompers may also help you maintain your hearing!

Continue reading to learn about yet another interesting way that the various parts of your body are connected.

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3632 Hits

Ins and Outs of Dental Fillings

ins and outs dental fillings

Dental fillings are super common, yet a lot of people aren’t entirely clear on what fillings are made of, how fillings are placed in the teeth, and when they can be used to fix a tooth.

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702 Hits

Edentulism: What Is It and How to Prevent It?

Edentulism What Is It and How to Prevent It

Edentulism: it’s a term that you may not have heard of, but you might know someone who has been diagnosed with it. Check out the information below to learn about this oral health condition, and to access some tips on how you can prevent it.

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1623 Hits

Dentures and TMJ: How Does One Affect the Other?

tmj pain

TMJ: it’s painful, uncomfortable, and possibly related to the fact that you wear dentures. Wait, what? That’s right; dentures and temporomandibular joint disorder (also known as TMJ or TMD) could be related. But, before you get too upset, the good news is that there are also dentures that could actually help relieve TMJ symptoms. Dive into the facts on dentures/TMJ below to learn all about how one could affect the other.

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Dental Plans for Seniors

an elderly couple smiling, holding hands on a walk

While seniors often make it a point to get the medical coverage that they need, they sometimes neglect getting the right dental insurance. This could be a problem, as dental care can become more expensive as you get older and your teeth and gums become increasingly susceptible to a range of conditions. Thankfully, there are a lot of options for seniors who are in search of the ideal dental plan to help cover expenses when they see their dentist.

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A Caregiver's Guide to Supporting Dental Health

a caregivers guide to dental

Are you taking care of someone who is disabled or elderly? While it might seem challenging at first to support their dental health, this is a critical component to an individual’s wellbeing. With the right care, your loved one can have a pain-free mouth, strong teeth and gums, and greater comfort and confidence.

To help you navigate the process of taking care of someone else’s dental health, we’ve compiled a few tips below.

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1125 Hits

What Are Dental Implants?

what are dental implants

Dental implants are a popular option for restoring your smile when you lose one or more teeth for any reason. As one of modern dentistry’s greatest innovations, more and more patients are opting to go with dental implants instead of bridgework or dentures.

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The Ins and Outs of Dental Implants

ins and outs of dental implants

Dental implants: modern dentistry’s tool for restoring a beautiful smile when your natural teeth have been irreparably damaged or lost. This procedure is a wonderful alternative to other restoration options, such as bridgework, and the end result is teeth that look, feel, and function just like real teeth. What more could you ask for, right?

Want to know more about dental implants and why they’re so fantastic? We’ve compiled a few quick facts below to give you the ins and outs of implants and to help you become a more informed patient.

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1794 Hits

Senior Dental Care | What You Should Know

senior dental care

Like other aspects of our health, our teeth and gums become increasingly vulnerable to a range of conditions as we get older. But all hope is certainly not lost. Simply being aware of the risks, and taking the appropriate steps to minimize those risks, could help you maintain that gorgeous smile long into your golden years.

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  1967 Hits
1967 Hits

The Cost of Dental Implants Broken Down

a guy calculating of costs of dental implants on a calculator.

Dental implants are really popular, and for good reason. Not only do they look and function just like real teeth but they’re also designed to last a long time too. So if you have a tooth that is beyond repair or you lost a tooth in an accident, your dentist might recommend getting an implant to restore your beautiful smile.

But, wait, how much is a dental implant going to cost you? After all, this is a pretty intensive procedure that takes time and a skilled expert to get the job done right. To help answer this common question, we’ve broken down the cost of dental implants below to give you an idea of what you can expect when you take the plunge.

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89009 Hits

How to Prepare For Your First Dental Implant Procedure

Dentist showing lady her first dental implant

Your dentist might suggest a dental implant when he or she is unable to salvage one of your teeth. Rather than being left with a missing tooth, a dental implant can be used, as it will look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth. It’s no wonder that this is such a popular dental procedure!

If you’ve opted to get a dental implant, knowing what to expect will help you move through this new experience with confidence and ease. So check out the information below on how you can prepare.

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1308 Hits

Oral Care For Those With Dentures

Sombody holding a water glass with dentures in it

After caring for your natural teeth for so many years, you might be confused about how to approach denture care. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone, and caring for dentures isn’t all that difficult either.

Whether you have partial dentures or full dentures, your oral care routine needs to change in order to ensure the health of your entire mouth. So check out the tips below if you’re interested in learning more about oral care for those with dentures.

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2044 Hits

Comparing the Cost of Implants to Fixed Bridgework

A set of bridgework teeth on a table

Losing a tooth in an accident or to decay can definitely be traumatizing. Thankfully, your dentist has the tools necessary to restore your smile, as well as prevent other oral problems that could result from missing teeth. Whether you’ve lost just a single tooth or several teeth, you can choose to have dental implants set in place or you can go for fixed bridgework.

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3823 Hits

How To Afford Dental Implants

Close up of a dentist holding a dental implant

When hearing the words, “you need implants,” the dollar signs and panic can start to consume your thoughts. Your brain starts automatically rattling off things like, “how am I going to be able to afford this?” “How time-consuming will this be?” “Is it necessary?” After all, your dentist has recommended the procedure, so here we are. The next step to take is figuring out costs and how to make it all work.

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