Baby teeth: they serve a much more important role than you think. Sure, they’ll all fall out or have to be pulled out at one point, but there is a need. Baby teeth start growing before birth and serve a huge role in our lives as we get older. Regardless of age, baby or adult, teeth help us chew and talk. Those little chompers can have quite an impact, so we’ve provided you with a list of ten facts, stats, and tips that might even amaze mothers with grown children!
Typically, all 20 baby teeth will arrive within the first three years.
Teeth help with speech when learning to talk.
The first tooth can push through the gums as early as six months of age.
Baby teeth provide spacing for permanent teeth as well as act as a location guide for when they grow in.
When do they lose their baby teeth? Molars and canines aren’t usually lost until ages nine through thirteen while incisors are the first to go between ages six and eight.
Toddlers and infants can get tooth decay from being exposed to liquids that contain sugar. It’s called, “Baby Bottle Tooth Decay.”
Parents should start cleaning their babies’ teeth within the first few weeks. Use a moist washcloth or gauze to rub the gums.
teeth help babies/small children chew which also has an effect on digestion.
The first dentist visit should come after the first tooth starts to show or right before the first birthday.
“Babies that were exclusively breastfed for six months were 72% less likely to have crooked teeth.“ - A June 2015 study from Pediatrics.*
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