Learn great tips and tricks from our top contributor, Captain Smiles. We've got answers and info to help you maintain healthy dental health at Spirit Dental!

3 Ways to Keep Kids Teeth Healthy This Summer

Two kids swimming underwater

Summer is a time to kick back, especially for kids who are on break from school. But it could be easy for children to neglect their dental hygiene habits when they’re waking up late, playing or lounging all day, and letting go of all responsibilities (do you miss being a kid yet?).

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609 Hits

Gum Facts - The Sticky Truth

Close up of lady putting a piece of gum in her mouth

Do you like to chew gum just about every day? Before you grab that next piece, keep reading for a few sticky truths about chewing gum and whether or not it is actually a good thing for your pearly whites.

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1422 Hits

Just the Facts: TMJ Syndrome

Man in pain holding his jaw with tmj syndrome

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint disorder, which is also referred to as TMD (but what’s in a name, right?). This disorder affects the—you guessed it—temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge that connects the bones of the skull with the jaw. You can locate this joint in the front of each of your ears, as it allows you to move the jaw side to side, forward and backward, and up and down with ease when you open your mouth to speak and chew.

Below are a few of the main facts about TMJ syndrome so you can develop a better understanding of it.

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1089 Hits

Summer Recipes That Are Mouth Approved

Table of people being served a salad

Summer has arrived, which means it’s time to indulge in some sweet, cooling recipes. But not all summer treats will be good at maintaining the health of your pearly whites, so we’ve compiled a shortlist of a few summer recipes that are mouth approved.

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551 Hits

Expert Teeth Brushing Techniques

Mother and daughter brushing teeth together

You might think that your oral hygiene routine is doing its job, but in reality, you might be missing the mark. Improper brushing could make you more susceptible to dental decay and gingivitis. So, to be sure that you’re getting the very best clean every time you brush your teeth, follow the expert techniques and tips below.

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Dentistry Through the Ages

Image of old carved images of people in stone

Like other medical fields, the world of dentistry has changed dramatically through the ages. To discover just how much a trip to the dentist has evolved, check out the timeline below.

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Top Facts about Men’s Oral Health

Man in dentist chair smiling

Below are just a few of the things that you should know if you’re a man and you want to keep your mouth in tiptop shape, your smile bright, and your teeth strong as you age.

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Dental Implants: Do or Don't?

3 dental implants on table

When confronted with the option of getting a dental implant, you might wonder if it’s worth going through with this procedure. After all, getting an implant will take time, and it could be expensive if you don’t have the right insurance plan in place.

To help you make the right choice, we’ve compiled some information on the benefits, as well as the risks, that are associated with dental implants.

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4628 Hits

What to Know Before Your First Root Canal

Lady in dentist chair getting a root canal

So your dentist has uttered that terrible phrase that you never want to hear: “You need a root canal.” And if this is your first root canal ever, you probably have a ton of questions running through your mind, combined with a lot of fear regarding the pain that you might have to endure. Well, we’re here to put your mind at ease.

Below are a few of the things that you should know prior to getting your first root canal. Hopefully, this information will help you prepare for this common dental procedure so it won’t be so scary after all.

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5 Natural Remedies for Toothaches

Lady drinking a natural remedy

A toothache is a sign that something is wrong, so seeing your dentist is necessary. But there are some natural remedies that you can try until your appointment. Below are five at-home tricks that might bring you some much-needed relief.

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3089 Hits

Habits That Can Wreck Your Teeth

Jar of candy on it's side with candy falling out of it onto the table

It’s easy to get lazy when it comes to following an at-home dental hygiene routine, or when it comes to avoiding foods and drinks that you know are bad for your teeth and gums. But, over time, these tendencies could ruin your smile.

Which habits are most liable to put your oral health at risk?

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Does My Emotional Health Affect My Dental Health?

Lady pumping her fist in celebration of her exercise goal being met

We all know that emotional stress can wreak havoc on your body and undo all of the hard work that you’ve put into being strong and healthy. But does the mind-body connection extend to your teeth? Could the stress of your deadlines, relationships, and other daily struggles be causing your oral health problems? The answer is yes!

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1204 Hits

Fighting Bad Breath: The Ins and Outs

Lady covering her mouth with her hand

Few things are more embarrassing than having bad breath. But combating those offensive odors in your mouth can be more of a challenge than you first anticipate. So how can you be sure your breath will always smell fresh and clean, and won’t cause people to take a step back when they’re talking to you? Check out the easy bad breath fighting tips below to get started.

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1566 Hits

Spring Into Action: Dental Care 101

Father and daughter brushing teeth together

Oral hygiene doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple steps that can be taken on a daily basis can help you maintain fresh breath, while also reducing your odds of developing cavities and gum disease.

Want to be absolutely sure that you’re covering all of your bases when it comes to your dental care routine? We’ve outlined the basics below to make taking care of your mouth a breeze.

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614 Hits

What Toothpaste Should I Use?

Up-close photo of a lady putting toothpaste onto a toothbrush

Walk down the aisle of your local supermarket or drugstore and you’ll find an array of toothpaste options. Not only are there so many brands to choose from, but each brand also has several formulations to meet your dental health needs. There’s whitening toothpaste, fluoride and non-fluoride products, and toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums, as a few examples.

But which toothpaste should you be using? After all, having so many choices can make things even more confusing, so we’ve compiled some information below to help you make the right decision.

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918 Hits

How to Combat Bruxism: Teeth Grinding

Man holding a red tooth guard

Bruxism, which is the grinding and clenching of teeth, is a common condition. Ignoring it and failing to combat it could result in damaged enamel, broken teeth, malocclusion, tooth loss, and temporomandibular joint disorder.

Thankfully, there are several ways that you can stop grinding your teeth, and some of them are listed below so you can tackle this problem before it causes severe damage.  

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1739 Hits

Comparing the Cost of Implants to Fixed Bridgework

A set of bridgework teeth on a table

Losing a tooth in an accident or to decay can definitely be traumatizing. Thankfully, your dentist has the tools necessary to restore your smile, as well as prevent other oral problems that could result from missing teeth. Whether you’ve lost just a single tooth or several teeth, you can choose to have dental implants set in place or you can go for fixed bridgework.

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3822 Hits

Causes of “Dry Mouth” and How to Relieve It

Lady covering her mouth with her hand

The fancy word for “dry mouth” is xerostomia, and this is a condition that’s characterized by a lack of saliva throughout the mouth. Basically, the salivary glands stop producing the normal amount of saliva, leaving the mouth dry and uncomfortable.

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1063 Hits

Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Table with food that's good and bad for your teeth

Good oral hygiene doesn’t end with your daily brushing routine. What you eat every day can have an impact on the strength of your teeth, as well as the color of your chompers.

So which foods have been deemed the best, and which ones are considered the worst, for tooth health? Take a look at the list below for some helpful pointers.

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1570 Hits

Kids First Dentist Visit: Dos and Don'ts

Little girl looking at teeth in mirror that the dentist is holding

Going to the dentist can be scary even for adults. So when it’s time to bring your child to their first dental appointment, use the following tips to make the experience as anxiety-free as possible.

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1053 Hits
Dawn C.
Jodi has worked with me to get the right date for payment and made something usually very tedious into a 1, 2, 3 and done! She is great!!!