Why Brushing Your Teeth Should Be Part of Your Nighttime Routine

Photo of a pink and a white toothbrush

Do you tend to hit the sack without brushing your teeth first? Uh oh, that’s a big no-no if you want to keep your teeth and gums clean and strong. Even if you’re feeling really tired, taking just a couple of minutes (literally two minutes is all it takes!) to brush your chompers is important, as it can make a big difference in the health of your mouth.

Skeptical about the importance of brushing your teeth before bed? Then keep reading to learn about why this needs to become a part of your nighttime routine.


The Gross Stuff That’s Left Behind When You Don’t Brush at Night

Okay, so you’re brushing your teeth every morning because you want to freshen your breath before heading out the door, right? That’s good. But if you think that that’s going to be enough to keep your teeth healthy, think again.

You absolutely need to brush your teeth before bed because what grows in your mouth overnight can wreak havoc, and sticking to an only-in-the-morning brushing routine isn’t going to cut it.

  • Oral bacteria, which you would’ve gotten rid of by brushing before bed, can proliferate overnight while you sleep. What’s worse, that bacteria create waste that’s acidic and leads to tooth decay. Yuck!
  • The production of saliva decreases while you sleep, which means your teeth and gums are left vulnerable to the bacteria that are having a party in your mouth.
  • Food particles left behind from every single thing you ate throughout the day will end up sitting on your teeth, helping to feed that nasty bacteria, especially since you’re not making as much saliva to help wash those food particles away.
  • The foods that you eat, along with the beverages you drink, throughout the day, can make your mouth more acidic, and that can also feed harmful bacteria. So, when you brush both in the morning and at night, you’re basically getting in the way of bacterial growth.
  • Failing to brush before bed can contribute to the development of plaque on the teeth. And that plaque can then harden into tartar that contributes to decay and gum disease.
  • While you’re asleep, your body is at rest and in repair mode. If you haven’t brushed your teeth, it’s harder for your mouth to heal because of all of the bacteria that are growing.

Side note: When you run your tongue across your teeth and it feels like something fuzzy or sticky is growing on them, what you’re feeling is plaque. Want to maintain that smooth feeling you get after a dental cleaning? Brush your teeth twice a day, including at bedtime.

Hoping to Avoid Really Bad Morning Breath? Brush Before Bed!

Brushing your teeth before bed is a smart way to help prevent a host of problems, from gum disease to cavities, that no one wants to deal with. But beyond protecting you from the scary stuff, the simple act of a two-minute brushing session may also help ward off awful morning breath .

You might still wake up with embarrassing bad breath even if you do brush before going to sleep. But it more than likely won’t be nearly as bad as it would be if you just went straight to bed without brushing away all of the food particles, bacteria, and plaque on your teeth and along your gums.

Your Dental Hygienist Will Be Proud

When you brush your teeth twice a day, you’ll be getting rid of plaque before it hardens on your teeth. This means your dental hygienist won’t have to work as hard when you go in for your professional teeth cleanings . High five!

On the other hand, if you let all of that plaque harden into tartar, your hygienist will be the only one who will be able to get rid of it. At-home brushing won’t be enough to remove it at that point. So, keep yourself and your hygienist happy by brushing twice daily.

Brushing as Part of Your Nighttime Routine: A Necessity

Although it’s such a simple task, it’s common to go to bed without brushing every once in a while. If you’re not feeling well, you’re super tired, or you’re traveling, you might skip a brushing session here and there. As long as you don’t make a habit of it, you’re on the right track. And, even if you do brush twice a day and floss once a day, it’s still important to see your dentist for checkups and cleanings to keep your smile beautifully bright.



For the Sake of Your Teeth, Don’t Eat Ice!
A Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Teeth Brushing