There are many people who believe that contradicting any diseases in the mouth doesn’t affect your overall health. According to them, what happens in the mouth, stays in the mouth. To the contrary opinion, this is completely misguided since the condition of your mouth is also tied to the health of the rest of your body. Remember, taking care of your teeth doesn’t stop at having a nice smile and fresh breath always. There’s more to it.
Researchers from different institutions have conducted various studies trying to identify the relationship between the mouth and the overall health of the body. There are a few conclusive ideas that have been adapted but the complete relationship is not yet distinct. Here are some of the results from these studies that will help you understand the relationship between your dental care and the rest of your body.
It is a known fact that people with Type 2 Diabetes are also susceptible to getting gum disease. However, the reverse had not yet been identified. Thanks to a study conducted in Columbia University, it has been identified that people with gum disease have a higher incidence of getting Diabetes (especially Type 2). Although the results of this study are not yet conclusive, there are a few theories that have been adapted to find some truth in the premise.
First, due to the infections present in the mouth due to gum disease, the body is susceptible to inflammation. This may result in poor sugar absorption due to damage to the insulin receptors found in the body. As such, glucose is not absorbed as it should, which is the foundation of Diabetes. On that note, the relation between oral health and diabetes is still under further studies but the initial results have proven true for most of the patients under study.
Just as is with Diabetes, there have been a few connections between heart disease and oral health. However, the results are not yet conclusive as to whether the relation between these two is actually direct. There are a few common causes of heart disease and poor oral health. For instance, smoking has been identified to cause gum disease as well as cardiovascular issues.
There have been a few studies and theories identified such as the following. First, if an individual suffers from high levels of periodontal bacteria, there is likelihood that these might be transferred to the blood vessels after consuming meals or drinking liquids. Eventually, they result in blockages which result in poor heart health. However, it has been identified that if periodontal diseases are treated earlier, it might reduce arterial blockage thereby saving the patient from riskier cardiovascular diseases.
In summary, just like the rest of the body is connected so is the mouth. On that note, taking care of your teeth might go a long way in saving your heart or preventing the contraction of serious diseases such as Diabetes. Remember, there are still some studies underway in order to connect oral health with overall body health.
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