Understanding Dental Insurance

There are many important details to understanding dental insurance. To begin with, this insurance plan will run very similar to your medical insurance plan. You'll pay a premium each month and be required to pay a co pay at each visit.


For this premium, you'll be entitled to regular checkups at your dentist as well as cleanings either annually or bi annually, X rays and some specific services such as and some specific tests or treatments.

Depending upon your plan you may also be covered for implants and orthodontia treatments. It will all vary upon the plan that you have selected and your specific policy coverages.


Indemnity plans fall into this broad category. Here you can select from a group of dentists that will provide for your dental needs. Typically, you'll have the option to select your own dentist within the specific network and you'll be responsible for all of your out of pocket costs such as co pays and optional treatments that are not covered by your specific policy. Indemnity plans will give a wider selection of services than that of managed care. You may have to pay for all services up front with an indemnity plan and wait to be reimbursed.

Managed Care or PPO

In a managed care plan, you'll again have to select your dentist from within a specific network of dentists. Rates are all pre negotiated within the insurance plan and there will be less paperwork to fill out as the dentist office will usually bill the insurance company for you. This can save you a lot of time and money.

Choosing The Right Policy

Unfortunately, there is no exact policy that should be chosen. The selection is simply based upon what is best for the patient in the long run. For someone who is in dire need of services this may mean an indemnity policy while for someone else it may simply mean a PPO or managed plan. Either way, you're assured to get good quality dental care as long as you can pay for it.

Most dental insurance plans also require that you pay a co pay so it's wise to know this amount before you visit the dentist and have it on hand. Dental care is important for your overall health so it should never be neglected. Having the insurance to cover it will go far in helping you to maintain your overall health.

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