You already know that when the check engine light in your car comes on, something is amiss. But did you know that swollen gums are basically your mouth’s own “check engine” light? It’s true! Check out the information below to see what we mean.
Swollen gums, and gums that bleed or are irritated or red, might be the first sign that you have developed gingivitis. This condition is one of the most common causes of swelling in the gums.
Wait, what’s gingivitis, you ask? Well, it’s basically the first stage of gum disease, characterized by inflamed gums. That inflammation is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in plaque. The key is to recognize that this is a problem, and get treatment right away so that it doesn’t progress into severe gum disease, known as periodontitis.
What’s the big deal about gum disease? Well, if you don’t treat it, your teeth might fall out. Yikes!
Keep in mind that the symptoms associated with gingivitis might be mild at first. But if you notice that your gums are even just a little bit swollen, and brushing and flossing at home don’t seem to be helping, it’s time to see your dentist for a checkup and cleaning.
Pro tip: Concerned about affording a trip to the dentist? With Spirit Dental insurance, you get three cleanings per year, and there are a variety of affordable plans to choose from so you can see the dentist of your choice.
Swollen gums are a check engine light for your mouth because they can also indicate that other problems are going on in your body.
If your gums are swollen but it’s minor, the swelling might go away on its own with the help of a strict oral hygiene routine. However, if you’ve noticed that your gums are swollen for more than a couple of weeks, or if you have additional symptoms, it’s time to make an appointment with your dentist to get things checked out.
Your dentist will take a look at your gums and work on figuring out the cause of the swelling. Rest assured that there are treatment options available, so you don’t have to live with swollen, irritated, red, or painful gums.
In addition to working with your dentist and following an oral hygiene routine at home, other steps you can take towards maintaining oral health include eating right, drinking plenty of water, and leading an active lifestyle that doesn’t include the use of tobacco products. With the right strategy, you can keep that “check engine” light from turning on.
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