If one part of the body gets ill, it’s likely to spread to the rest of the body. Therefore, it’s quite misguided to assume that there is no link between oral health and overall health of the body. Dental care involves brushing and flossing the teeth regularly as well as visiting a dentist for checkups or treatments to cure or prevent any oral diseases. Researchers in different universities have been trying to identify the links between oral health and other ailments as outlined below.
Many pregnant women are likely to suffer from gum disease especially because of the fluctuating hormonal levels in the body. There are a few who neglect oral care when they are pregnant because they are completely preoccupied. This is completely wrong. Scientists have discovered that gum disease or inflammations in the mouth might result in the production of prostaglandin.
This compound has been tasked with inducing early labor. Of course, this theory has not yet been confirmed completely. However, a study conducted in 2001 identified that women in the second trimester who suffer from gum disease are likely to get early labor (as early as 37 weeks). Also, gum disease might also contribute to low birth weight for the new baby as evidence reveals.
Although the research conducted in respect to oral health and pneumonia was done so in high risk populations, there has been established a link between oral diseases and pneumonia. A study in 2008 identified that elderly patients with pneumonia also had gum disease especially because the lungs are quite close to the mouth.
Note that, regardless of whether a person keeps their mouth completely clean, there is always a bacterium roaming around. However, if a person completely neglects oral care, the bacteria spread to the lungs and causes respiratory disorders such as pneumonia.
In 2007, a study was conducted that identified that men suffering from pancreatic cancer also suffered from gum disease. Besides, the patients who had a smoking habit, those with a history of gum disease also had a high likelihood of getting pancreatic cancer. An infected mouth naturally produces carcinogenic compounds.
Therefore, these compounds are likely to cause inflammation resulting in pancreatic cancer. Also, gum disease has been linked to people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. Therefore, if the production of insulin and absorption of glucose is severely affected by gum disease, an individual is likely to suffer from pancreatic cancer.
As mentioned, although the studies are still underway, it’s important to beware about the impending health complications as a result of poor oral health. On that note, always make routine appointments to the doctor for check-ups to prevent any oral diseases. Also, brushing after every meal and drinking lots of water removes any debris or food particles in the mouth that might cause complications in your oral health. It’s important to keep yourself updated regarding any new studies in these areas to prevent further health complications as a result of poor oral health.
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