Foods to Consume for Healthy, Strong Teeth

The lifestyle and nutrition choices you make will have a direct impact on oral health. Needless to say, the foods that you consume will either give you strong and healthy teeth or they’ll contribute to a vast range of problems.

Want to know which foods are the best ones for boosting oral health? The following list contains several great options that everyone should incorporate in a healthy menu.


This one is obvious and just about everyone is aware of the incredibly beneficial impact that milk could have on oral health.

Milk is a wonderful source of calcium. Calcium reduces the risk of gum disease and keeps the jaw bone healthy. Get in the habit of drinking low-fat skim milk to experience its benefits without also supplying your body with too much fat.

Other foods that are excellent sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, figs, oranges (especially fortified orange juice) and sardines.

Crisp and Raw Fruits and Veggies

Here’s yet another reason to up your fruit and veggie intake – these are incredibly important for keeping your teeth and your gums strong and healthy.

Crisp and crunchy fruits and veggies will naturally clean plaque from your teeth. In addition, they’ll give you an incredibly fresh breath. Eat apples, carrots, bell peppers and celery frequently.

Cranberries and Other Berries

All kinds of berries improve oral health but cranberries are particularly beneficial. They contain a substances known as polyphenols. Sufficient polyphenol consumption will prevent plaque from sticking to your teeth.

Avoid cranberry products that come with added sugar because you’ll be countering all of the benefits.

Other berries like blueberries and strawberries contain large quantities of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body on cellular level by countering the effects of free radicals. Several studies also suggest that antioxidants strengthen the gums. They provide reliable protection against bacterial infections, making it less likely for you to need a dental clinic visit (unless it’s for a regular checkup).


The best salmon variety is wild Atlantic salmon. You should also consider adding other fatty fish like mackerel to your menu.

Fatty fish are an excellent source of vitamin D. Vitamin D makes it much easier for the body to absorb calcium. Thus, calcium-rich foods should be consumed in conjunction with products that contain enough vitamin D.

Some other foods that are good sources of vitamin D include oysters, mollusks, halibut, portabello mushrooms, tofu, fortified cereals, caviar and eggs.

Oranges and Citrus Fruits

As surprising as it may seem, citrus fruits are good for oral health regardless of their acidity. These fruits are an amazing source of vitamin C and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.

The vitamin C in citrus fruits will strengthen the blood vessels and the connective tissues in the mouth. Consuming significant amounts of lemons, oranges and grapefruits can slow down the progression of conditions like gingivitis.


Raisins are naturally sweet and they don’t contain the added sugar that is so detrimental to your teeth.

Studies suggest that the phytochemicals found in raisins could kill the bacteria in the mouth that are responsible for cavities and that cause gum disease.

In general, fruits are all safe because they contain solely natural sugars. Still, you should avoid food products and snacks that contain additional sweeteners. The raw and fresh varieties are the ones that will give you the biggest benefits.

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