You already know that what you eat can affect the health of your teeth and gums. But when it comes to gluten, in particular, is there anything that you should worry about? Should you be eliminating gluten from your diet for the sake of your teeth, even if you aren’t sensitive to it or you haven’t been diagnosed with celiac disease? We’ve got the answer to this important question below.
When most people think of gluten and its effects on the body, they tend to focus on the digestive tract, but researchers have found that gluten sensitivity might also have an effect on the mouth. Who knew?!
If you already think that you might be sensitive to gluten because you are experiencing some symptoms, but you aren’t entirely sure, you can always experiment with cutting it out of your diet and seeing if your health, including your oral health, improves.
If you have already been diagnosed with gluten intolerance or celiac disease and you have not yet eliminated all gluten from your diet, you may find that your symptoms improve once you do, so it is worth taking that extra step.
Whether or not you are sensitive to gluten, reducing gluten in your daily diet might be beneficial to the health of your teeth and gums. In fact, for some people, dental problems may be the first sign that they are gluten intolerant, so going on a test diet might be really insightful.
On top of watching what you eat, seeing your dentist at least twice a year—especially if you have gluten sensitivity—could help you stay on track when it comes to maintaining your smile. A combination of checkups and cleanings will help remove debris from the gums and teeth, and your dentist can keep a close eye on the strength of your enamel as well.
It’s amazing how diet can affect so many different aspects of your health. If you think that you might be sensitive to gluten, it’s best to talk to your doctor so you will know what extra steps you’ll need to take to protect those pearly whites.
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