Dental Care IS Health Care… Does Obama Care Protect Your Oral Health?

The answer may surprise you: No, not unless you’re a kid. While the Affordable Care Act does require pediatric dental and vision coverage, we adults have been left to fend for ourselves.

It’s true that the goal of ObamaCare is to ensure that more Americans have access to quality health care through affordable health insurance. And it’s true that, since its inception, it has succeeded on many levels. Yet, the ugly (and often, surprising) fact is that, somehow, our dental health got left behind.

Here’s another ugly truth:
As some employers struggle with how to pay for the insurance options required under ObamaCare (otherwise known as ACA, or the Affordable Care Act), many are opting to drop dental insurance from their benefits offerings.

Already, many of us are feeling the double whammy effect of rising dental costs, coupled with the loss of employer sponsored dental coverage. During a 2015 online survey of 1,000 American adults, conducted by Wakefield Research, more than one third of respondents said they had delayed seeing a dentist because of the out-of-pocket expenses they would have to pay.

Delaying Dental Check-ups Puts your Overall Health at Risk.
The links between oral care and overall, physical health are proven. In fact, your dentist is often your first line of defense against cancer, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases.

So, what can you do?

First, talk to your employer or insurance provider.
Ask if your oral health is covered – and be sure you get answers. Unfortunately, unless you’re already purchasing your own stand-alone dental insurance, you’re likely to learn that your dental needs are not covered.

Second, do your research. You’ll be surprised to discover that there are dramatic disparities between insurance plans. More surprising: some of the best known names in dental insurance provide some of the least cost effective, least comprehensive coverage.

Third, we wouldn’t be writing this if we didn’t think we had an answer for you: compare those plans with Spirit Dental!

At Spirit Dental, you’ll find affordable dental insurance that best fits your needs. We have $3,500 annual maximums, next day coverage, and no waiting periods – even for major work! Even better, you can go to the dentist you choose. Click here to get a free 30-second quote and find out how easy and cost effective it can be to truly take care of your health, well-being, and your smile.

Smile! We’ve got you covered!

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