Most people have their first experience with an orthodontist as a child. Getting orthodontic work done before the jaw is fully developed is much quicker, and involves less pain for the patient. Plus, it's best to get jaw, and teeth abnormalities fixed before the problem is forgotten. Many remember the braces of their youth before considering their own child getting a pair. Braces used to be heavy, thick with metal, and tight to the point of discomfort. Patients are now experiencing the teeth straightening process in a whole new way.
Yes, metals are used in braces. However, much less is used then in the past, and better types. Your child will have a variety of materials binding their teeth in the right direction. Braces now consist of materials that add comfort, but won't subtract from quality. Ceramic, stainless steel and plastic are common materials used.
When you were a kid, you probably remember being called a metal mouth. Today, metal isn't the first impression people will get when someone's sporting braces. Braces used to take up the whole tooth in order to manipulate the shape. They're are now small, usually, square pieces of metal that only cover a fraction of the crown. Some dentists will even place the metal fraction of the braces on the back of the tooth. This makes them less noticeable.
Many adolescents, and children are worried greatly about their personal appearance. They're concerned that braces may impact the way they look to their friends, or in school pictures. Invisalign is a suggested solution to children with these quarrels. However, it might not be the best solution when all things are considered.
Invisalign is a more expensive option than regular braces. While they can manipulate the shape of the mouth and teeth, this is a much slower process then the one carried out by a traditional pair of braces. It can add another six months or more onto your child's treatment plan.
Many parents find it difficult to get their kids to wear rubber bands. They're needed when more force is required to move a tooth, or part of the jaw, in the desired location. Getting your child to wear his rubber bands can mean a shorter treatment time. This is often a great motivation for kids to wear them. Children often choose the color of the rubber bands. Many pick their school colors, or colors that correspond with an upcoming holiday.
If more force than a rubber band can supply is needed, an orthodontist may choose to put a TAD in place. A TAD is a temporary anchorage device. They're placed above the tooth, and usually measure 6 to 12 milliliters. These devices provide a fixed point at which to apply pressure to the tooth in question.
Getting this problem sorted is worth the few thousand dollars in the long run. A misshapen jaw, or misplaced tooth can impact your child's life physically, socially, and emotionally.
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